Walden University – Course 6711: Week 4 Application

Dr. Orey defines constructivism as what we already know or have brought meaning to, while constructionism is building on what we know to learn new things (Laureate Education, Inc., 2009).

The strategy of generating and testing a hypothesis correlates to both the constructivism and constructionism theories. To begin, students must ask questions and then problem solve to come up with a feasible hypothesis to answer the question. Both of these steps are based on constructivism; students form a question and develop an answer based on what they already know. Next, they must investigate (research, make observations and analyze data), and finally make an informed decision on the findings and communicate those results. These steps relate to constructionism because each of them allows students to create new meaning so that they might assimilate or accommodate their understanding and knowledge based on the results they found.

Using both theories allows students to make connections with what they know and what they learn by helping them develop new connections and understandings. This strategy allows teachers to act as a facilitator and technology to act as an efficient tool, while the learning experience is student-centered and hands-on.


Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Constructionist and constructivist. Baltimore: Author.