Walden University – Course 6710: Week 2 Application, Part I

Rationale for Blogging:
Blogging is a great instructional tool because it allows students to interact with technology to build their technology fluency, form real-world connections to lessons through a more age-appropriate instructional method, and provide an alternate outlet to collaborate with teachers and peers.

As a middle school technology applications teacher, I could use blogging for collaborative projects. One such project would be when students create their own computer game in a group setting.

I could use blogging in two distinct ways for this project. First would be a Group Project Blog. Students in a group (made up of two to three individuals) would set up their own blog to develop their game plan details; document their research and resources; evaluate, track and assess their accomplishments and challenges through journaling; and post their game. This would be the complete “electronic” product they would turn in for a grade. The second part would be to have a Course Blog for collaborative troubleshooting. Students would identify and elaborate on problems and ask questions; review posts and respond to peers’ questions with a clear explanation on how to solve problems. This part is more student-centered, allowing the students to be the instructor, while teaching them valuable “soft” skills (respectfully working with others) they will utilize in the future.

The Group Project Blog would enhance the lesson by having students create an electronic portfolio, or possibly structure it to be more like an electronic “business” proposal. The Course Blog would enhance the lesson by giving students an innovative way to collaborate that is more in line with the technology they are familiar with and possibly use in their personal lives.